Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Raptures Over the New County Library

I would say the local county library has been closed for...oh...six months to a year.  It's a little hazy now.  They closed it down for renovations, but then moved all the books to an empty warehouse in town so I could still check books out, therefore staving off any freak-outs that would have ensued over not getting my precious bound pages of story goodness.  NOT being able to check out books for a year would have definitely stuck in my head.  To the day. 

I went over the the new library last week because 1) they finally opened the sacred doors and 2) I had a book on hold.  Give me!

First impression: Library of the FUTURE.  TODAY!  They have this sweet book drop that is completely automated.  A little door opens up in a wall and you send your book off on a conveyor belt that automatically scans your book off your library card.  How cool is that?!! 

The inside of the library is pretty cool too.  It's all sparkly and new, with more reading areas, redesigned sections and the old standby: the smell of books.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...*bliss*

If you haven't been to a library recently, go.  Walk around.  Soak in the atmosphere.  Be jealous of my high-tech book return.  I dare ya.

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