Thursday, April 15, 2010

Warnings from the Friendly Administration

Every year we get an e-mail warning us when the "World Week for Animals in Laboratories(WWAIL)/World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week (WLALW)" is taking place.  You know, so we can be on the look out for crazy protesters and/or people who are trying to "free" the lab animals (personally, I am hoping to see someone dressed all in black trying to smuggle out mice...but that's just me).  This year it starts on Saturday.  Thinking they are being helpful, admin have attached these helpful hints:

Suspicious Packages:
Keep in mind a bomb can be enclosed in either a parcel or an envelope, and its outward appearance is limited
only by the imagination of the sender. However, package bombs have exhibited some unique characteristics
that may assist you in identifying a suspected device. To apply these factors, it is important to know the type
of mail normally received by your organization.

Things to Look for:
• Suspicious packages or articles may bear restricted endorsements such as "Personal" or "Private." This
is important if the addressee does not normally receive personal mail at the office.
**What about Amazon, does Amazon count??!!**
• Suspicious packages or articles may have protruding wires, aluminum foil, or oil stains visible and may
emit a peculiar odor.
**WHAT?!  Why would you open a package that had PROTRUDING WIRES hanging out of it??**
• Suspicious packages or articles may have an excessive amount of postage stamps affixed to them.
• Letter type bombs may feel rigid, or appear uneven or lopsided.
• There may be pressure or resistance when removing contents from an envelope or parcel.
• Suspicious packages or articles may be unprofessionally wrapped with several combinations of tape
used to secure the package. They may also be endorsed "Fragile-Handle With Care" or "Rush-Do Not
**Several kinds of tape?  What the __?!  Bombers are thrifty and use up leftover tape rolls?**
• Suspicious packages or articles may have an irregular shape, soft spots, or bulges.
**Sort of like me...waaaaaaait...**
• Suspicious packages or articles may make a ticking, buzzing, or sloshing sound.
**Ok, I'm just saying, you open up a package that is TICKING, you might be getting what you deserve...**
• The addressee's name and/or title may be inaccurate.
• Suspicious packages or articles may reflect distorted handwriting, or the name and address may be
prepared with homemade labels or cut-and-paste lettering.
**Does anyone outside of kidnappers in the movies from 1985 use cut and paste lettering?  Really?**

There are also helpful hints such as:
• Always be alert to any surroundings.
• Always lock car doors after entering or leaving your car.
• Lock your valuables. Never leave your keys, purse, wallet, briefcase or backpack unattended.
• Lock all doors and windows.
• Don't leave notes indicating you aren't home or when you will return.

Thanks for the tips guys...never would have thought about locking my doors when I leave...**thumbs up**

P.S. Just so you know, we don't have any research animals in my lab, so please don't send me a package with cut and paste letters on it...

1 comment:

  1. Is it sad that I went down the list you shared and used it more as a checklist as to how I send my packages? "Did that, check" And then thought of taking a few more tips and sending one Privately to you at work? Cause that would make my day :-)
